
From One World To The Other


Hello there my precious soul, I’ve been looking for you all along. Watched your dreams, was one of the characters there, you might not know which one, because every time I changed my face.

One can do that in dreams, where the same rules don’t apply, though it feels like so real. 

It is nice to meet you finally, though I am you and you are me, it seems we are not the same, there is something that makes us feel different, but deep inside you know, it is not true.

I am writing you this letter, from one world to the other, to tell you I’ve been looking, and I am seeing your progress.

I’ve seen you pushing through, I’ve seen you struggle, I saw you make mistakes, and was hurt, but staying strong through it all, loving yourself anyway.  And I know that you do, maybe even more than you, just because of how much you try, day and night, regardless of what comes at you, you follow the Guide.

Sometimes you know you do, and sometimes you don’t, but the Guide is with you all along, the Guide that connects me and you, when you choose him, it's always best for you and me.

And the Guide has led you here, who knows why, and where you’ll be, the next second, the next day, the next month, no one knows, but know that me and the Guide will never go away.

How could we, dear, when we are all right here, in the same space, nothing can separate, or create a boundary between the two, you are me and I am you. 

Sometimes we feel distant, in our own little worlds, the stories we create, chasing goals and dreams, finding true joy, pushing through walls we built to become better humans for each other and ourselves, but in the end, it’s all the same.

I love your magical world, just wanted to say, interesting things are happening there, some quite the same as mine, some so different I need to explore them, finding a new sparkle to add to my own, how beautiful is the limitless creation of this world. 

Next time we meet in dreams, my dear friend, maybe together, we can build a castle there, some kind of home for me and you, a safe bubble with a golden door and big windows letting sun shine through, big house plants and a teapot brewing on the stove. 

Wondrous is this world, is it not? Today you are in Midnight, tomorrow you are not, next day you return to someone's world, discover a new one, and it all enriches you, and your own path, your own crusades, and you keep going forward and up, there is no way of going back.

That door is closed, but we don’t have to forget all the precious little worlds we saw that made our own better. Like in a game, on one we picked an item, on the other we gained experience, on the third we loved so hard our own world was just filled with flowers and stars. 

And as we move, and we join our hands, our little boundaries seem to fall, just flowing from my world to yours, like in the sea where everything is meshing together, in a gentle movement and so soft, and some thunders, and some storms.

I remember many years ago, I wrote a letter to someone, or maybe to myself. It was a story of a whale, big and shiny, and so pure, and how he flows through dirty waters, filled with leftovers from others, oil, dirt, junk and some flowers, and somehow the whale remained pure, just the same, flowing towards great white peaks of the north pole, where he finally found some rest for his soul, finding a place where he belongs.

But he didn’t propel into that world, without first travelling all over the globe, swimming from Australia to Peru, up in Canada, back to China, up and down, and around the whale swum, meeting so many worlds, yet remaining so pure… before reaching his destination, an endless white shore. 

And that, my precious, is the same thing I want to see for you, to enjoy the journey, but remain pure, shake off all the dirt that has put onto you, disrupts the path, and you remain you, and enjoy this little world here, and that other little world.

It’s all part of the same, but all the different colors and sounds make it so beautiful.

Just as beautiful as you, and everything you do to stay true, and to get back to You.

Much love,


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