
We Not Me - A Tribute To Midnight Apes

This is a poem I wrote in October 2023 about being a midnight ape and meeting another midnight ape. (screen dweller)

I think it is funny that the doge character enters at one point in the poem.

I included him because I saw him in some other art by NFTalk (the same person who created Midnight Apes) and now Fukiyu came (which is even better) .... and I feel like a sage at this point.

Actually as a chameleon I KNOW I am one.

This is my tribute to Midnight Apes collection. The launch is near and my heart is warm.  

I planned to sing it even practiced a lot but I never got the courage to do it, so let me just release it.

We Not Me 

Another night in my room I’m sitting on my chair, listening to grooves.
Im an artist, 
Or so I like to  think, giving myself meaning so I don't start screaming 
I feel lost in this space lonely is the world of an ape but I cant escape 
So I transform my madness and sadness into radness 
Or at least
Another file that maybe brings a smile
 to some guy 
just like me sitting on the screen doing his own thing....

Hey there!

Who are you?

Just another dude, like you, dig your thing, kind of brings a freshness in my mind 
This night I felt blue, but the truth is that I love what I do,
Collecting and grinding, consistently finding the next cool thing, or a reason to live, 
I create just like you, but a different kind of mood
I gather friends, and we build a world
 for us, 
a circle of apes,
alone in our homes, 
midnight is our time, 
Maybe wanna join?

Yes I do, sounds like a salvation, the cocreation, with an ape on a mission, 
I need friends who get what I do, who don’t need a proof that Im seeking the truth,
If you relate I don't know..... 
we could chat?

I relate and connect, you can chat or be quiet, 
I dont care I just need you to be here, with the apes, share your thing, 
You dont have to bring anything, or be something, 
Just check whats happening, and if you’re liking it 
Maybe it can be our thing, not just a lonely thing 

We not me changes everything

Yes I'm in!

Woof Woof

Who is that?

Im a doge —- (fukiyu?)

Like the coin?

Like the meme?

Yes indeed, Im a thing I could bring my people 
Im ready to share if I'll get a treat or
an owner who no longer wants to be a loner

Ill adopt you!

Its a deal now stop wining, lets get real

Midnight apes is the name, night is the time, when we shine, lets bring a smile to each other, make the mine ours,
Sharing these hours….
smile to each other, 
make the mine ours,
Sharing these hours
we not me changes everything,,, changes everything.. 

 (stop winning, lets get real)



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