
60 Things To Do When U Feel Bad

Here are some ideas what to do when u feel bad. There are many more things, but the main thing is accepting the bad, understanding there are ways to feel better, and also that it is fine to feel bad, there is no law against it. 

All the images featured in this article are from the Midnight Apes collection.

  1. Embrace It

You don’t have to feel good all the time. Acknowledge how you feel without judgement. 

  1. Ask Yourself Why

There is a reason why you feel bad. Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it is not. Sometimes we think it is obvious but it is not. The answer often lies in asking ourselves what would make me not feel bad right now?

  1. Touch Grass

Literally, touch grass. A walk in nature and fresh air can do wonders for you.

  1. Change Your Environment

Environment has a big influence on us. Maybe you just need to shift some things around the house. Maybe you need to move to a different place. Or just go for a roadtrip, or visit a friend.

  1. Write it Down

Get your thoughts out on a paper, as they are, to clear your mind. You can throw it out later no need for it to be good.

  1. Call/Hug a Friend

Often, a chat with a friend is all you need to feel less bad. If you think you’ll bother them, do it anyway. Hug is often even better.

  1. Make Yourself A Priority

If you feel bad, you can hardly help someone else. Put in the effort to investigate what would make you feel better, or just lie down feel what you feel.

  1. Drop Expectations

Drop your own expectations and expectations from others when you feel bad. Don’t think that you have to feel good to be worthy. But also, do what makes you feel better even if others don’t like it.

  1. Listen to Music

Listen to some mood-boosting songs such as Bob Marley, old blues, jazz and disco hits and whatever lifts up your mood. If you want to keep feeling what you feel but not feel so alone in it then listen to sad songs.

  1. Watch a Movie

You can never go wrong with Ghibli and nature documentaries, but really watch anything you like. Maybe avoid dark stuff, go for something that’ll get your mind off your problems.

  1. Work Online

Sometimes it works best to avoid dealing with your negative thoughts by doing some kind of work online. Do your regular thing or find something new to do. Working helps shift your mind to something productive. 

  1. Work Offline

Any type of work is good. Physical, mental, with people, alone, working is good for us and for many of us it is often the main thing that helps us feel better. 

  1. Work Out

Even a 15 minute workout can get your energy up and release endorphins, the happy hormones. 

  1. Get Inspired

Sometimes we feel bad because we got stuck in the rut, and are not even aware of it. Find people who inspire you, who have something you want to have, and hang out with them, best in real life, but also through books and videos. 

  1. Read a Book

Engage your brain with something different than your own thoughts. Read whatever you want.

  1. Sit Down With Your Shit (Meditate)

It is difficult to sit in silence when you feel bad but you can try doing it anyway. Try to sit still for 20 minutes quieting the mind and you’ll probably feel at least a little bit better after.

  1. Clean Your House

Wash the dishes, fold the laundry, sweep the room, clean that toilet. Cleaning helps clear out your mind too and it’s easier to feel peace in an organised space. You’ll get a sense of achievement as well.

  1. Join an Online Community

Join any online community which resonates with you and connect with people online. We got a midnight apes community as well, including a Discord wellbeing channel specially designed to be there when our people feel bad.

  1. Cook Something New

Fill that void within with some fresh food. Make something delicious, try something you’ve never done before. Ask chatGPT for recipe ideas with things you already have at home, or try a dish you love but never made before.

  1. Practice Gratitude

Write down or speak out loud all the things you’re grateful for, even in times when you feel like shit. It might feel fake when you start, but do it anyway. Gratitude does wonders for our mood.

  1. Draw or Paint

If you have a pen, you can draw. Express your mood on a paper. No one has to see it and it does not have to be good. By being creative you will do something with that bad energy instead of keeping it stuck. 

  1. Dance Like Nobody's Watching

Even if someone is watching dance like they aren’t. This is another way to express your feelings and get that energy up. Put on some tunes you love and do a one-person party in your room.

  1. Do a Random Act Of Kindness

Helping others will make you feel better too - how beautifully designed is this world?! Did you know helping others is a basic human need? We are made in a way that we feel better when we do good things for each other. 

  1. Do Some Gardening

Play with some plants to ground yourself down. If you don’t have a garden, get some house plants and take care of them. 

  1. Pet your Pet

If u got a pet now is the time to hang out with them. You can pet them, play with them or go for a walk depending on the pet. Animals are very comforting. If you don’t have a pet, go pet other people’s pets in a dog park.

  1. Take some Deep Breaths

Sometimes, simplest things can help, like taking some deep breaths. Breathing excercises are also awesome and can switch your mood in only a couple of minutes. 

  1. Watch Funny Videos

Watch some feel good funny shorts and vids, laughter can heal everything. 

  1. Plan a Trip

Dream up an adventure you’d like to have in the future, big or small. It gives you something to look forward to and makes your brain space more positive. 

  1. Try a New Hobby

Learning new skills is exciting, fun, engaging and rewarding in many ways. Just learn something you’ve never done before, whatever comes to your mind. 

  1. Set Some Goals

Maybe today is bad but tomorrow doesn’t have to be. Set some small achievable goals that will improve your life.

  1. Go For A Drive

Driving can help you clear your mind, and you may also discover new places as well. Go without a goal just drive around.

  1. Check your Diet

Often the food we eat can make us feel bad. If you eat a lot of junk food, maybe try something different. Brew a tea, make a stew. You don’t have to make huge changes but nutritious food can be a real mood boost. 

  1. Plan a Staycation

Staycation is a vacation in your own house. Plan a couple of free days, and do whatever you want. Play some games, watch some movies, read books, cook, play, create, or just sleep if that’s the mood. 

  1. List Good Things About Yourself

If you feel bad you might be engaging in negative self talk. Writing down your strengths and good stuff about yourself can help you be more realistic about yourself and lift your mood.

  1. Learn About Needs

Often we feel bad because some of our needs aren't fulfilled. Most people don’t even know what needs they have. Learn about them and try to determine your needs, then fulfil them. 

  1. Watch An Motivational Video

Watch a Ted talk, or something else that inspires you. Motivational videos can feel distant when you’re down, but they’ll often lift you up and give some comfort.

  1. Make Your Social Media Wholesome

Train the algorithm to fill up your feeds with positive stuff, by watching them and engaging with them, and telling it to show less of anything that shifts your mood for the worse. Delete anyone or anything that doesn’t align with you. 

  1. Listen To Audiobooks

Find some audiobooks to listen to, so you can shift your mind off your worries. Find an inspiring topic or pick out a fantasy book you always wanted to read.

  1. Do A Digital Detox

We love screens here at midnight apes but sometimes you need to put that phone down to reconnect with yourself and remember there is more to life. 

  1. Find A Support Group

If you often feel like shit, it’s a good idea to connect with a group that can support you in difficult times. 

  1. Ask for Reassurance

Tell someone you feel bad and that you need some reassurance. Hearing good things about yourself from someone else can help a ton. Giving reassurance to yourself does the same. 

  1. Sing it Out

You don’t have to sing well to sing. Do a karaoke session with yourself, sing out loud to express those emotions and get them out. 

  1. Do Some Shadow Work

If you already feel bad, why not use it and reflect on the darkest part of yourself? You can then accept those things, which everyone has, and see where you need some healing.

  1. Practice Self-Compassion

Imagine how you’d help a friend in your situation, then do the same thing for yourself. 

  1. Set Boundaries

Maybe you feel bad because someone crossed the line. Learn to say no and protect your energy which will get you out of the victim mode and make you more open for true connection. 

  1.  Find Professional Help

Whether it is psychotherapy, massage or a healing session, sometimes outside help is what we truly need.

  1. Go to an event

Check out what’s happening today near you, and go there. It will help you to be around people.

  1. Visit a place

If no events nearby interest you, go to a museum, a gallery or the movies. You’ll get inspired and learn something new.

  1. Take a nap

Sometimes all you really need is a little rest. Nap a bit and let your subconscious do the work for you.

  1. Listen to your body

Sit down, drop everything, tune in and see what your body needs. Is it movement, rest or nourishment? Give your body what it needs.

  1. Write poetry

Many best poems are created in the worst times. Write out your words in the form of a poem, it might turn out to be something beautiful which resonates with other people. 

  1. Create a Vision Board

A vision board can help you put your daydreaming to good use. Find images that represent what you’d like to see in your future. You can also make vision boards online.

  1. Go to the gym or a yoga studio

We already mentioned working out can boost your mood, but instead of doing it at home, try going to a gym or a studio. There you’ll also meet other people and get into a different energy which can help.

  1. Say thank you to someone

Think of someone who you are grateful to and write them a thank you note. Celebrating others can make you feel better. 

  1. Listen to a guided meditation

Sometimes it can be difficult to silence and focus your mind on your own. You can let someone else guide you instead. There are many guided meditations online, find something you resonate with.

  1. Listen to affirmations

If you feel bad due to negative thinking, put some videos with affirmations for your specific situation or goals. For example if you are worrying about money, you can listen to affirmations about abundance.

  1. Go on a Roadtrip

It doesn’t have to be far away. Just find a place near you which you haven’t visited before, and see interesting things that can be found there. A hidden creek, a waterfall, a cave or a museum, who knows what you’ll discover and who you’ll meet.

  1. Go to a Cafe or a Restaurant

But try something new, a place you haven’t visited before. Have a warm cozy drink or a nice lunch. Maybe you just need a vibe shift.

  1. Explore Spirituality

Spirituality can help you in many ways. It can boost your mood, energy, give you a sense of purpose and make you better understand what is happening to you. Any kind of spiritual work can help, find something that resonates with you - whether it is praying, meditating, or whatever.

  1. It’s OK To Feel Bad

In the end, the most important thing to understand is that it is OK to feel bad. Often we feel a pressure to feel good because of other people, but that can only prolong the negative state. Try to tell yourself, in your mind, I feel bad and that is fine. Judgement won’t help, and self-acceptance will help in a much deeper way than anything else.

That’s it for today.



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