
Unleashing Joy: This Is How Dogs Enhance the Lives of Screen Dwellers

Continuing to explore ideas about how to improve wellbeing for screen dwellers, today we present something a bit more alternative. It is having a dog.

I was thinking about what would be a good topic for our blog, and then I looked down and I noticed my four-legged friend. 

Living alone, like many other screen dwellers, I realized how different my life would be if it weren't for him, and in which way he improves my wellbeing and life.

Here are some great things that happen in your life when you decide to have a dog, especially focusing on the benefits for online workers. 

art from Midnight Apes collection

Physical Health 

We all know we will be healthier if we’re active, but sometimes it is difficult to keep up that routine. And sitting behind the screen all day can have a negative effect on our health and physique. 

But simply having a dog will encourage you to be active, in fact, it will force you to be active. 

Dogs need regular walks, at least two or three times per day, depending on how long your walk is. Puppies and older dogs need even more. 

So basically, you will have to go out, and walk a couple of times per day.

That means your muscles will be active, you’ll improve your cardiovascular health and have an easier time managing your weight. 

doggies from this collection

Mental Health 

When you have a dog, you are never alone. 

If you are working behind the screen, that means you are spending many hours alone, but having a dog by your side will reduce the feeling of loneliness, or isolation.

You will have a companion, a friend, who is loyal and always there for you. 

Interacting with dogs is proven to decrease the stress hormone cortisol and triggers the release of happy hormones - oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. 

So, whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, you have a natural way of improving your mood and calming yourself - he/she sits just by your side. 🙂

an image from Midnight Apes Collection

Routine and Responsibility 

Often I want to sleep a little longer, but I can’t because my dog starts walking around the room and needs to go out.

Dogs thrive on routine, and will expect to be walked at roughly the same time every day.

This will encourage you to have a more balanced and consistent schedule - going for the walks and feeding your friend will help you take breaks from the screen and give more structure to your day.

That automatically gives you more sense of purpose.

Through being responsible for someone else and not just ourselves, we begin to have this greater sense of purpose and accomplishment in our lives. 

Dogs rely on us for food, activity, affection and safety. If you have been struggling with being responsible, having to care for another being is the most powerful way to overcome that. 

"Extension of me", Archibald's art

Social Connection

When you work behind the screen, social connection often becomes an issue.

It is so easy to connect online, you might find yourself skipping real life social interactions. 

Having a dog doesn’t only help loneliness because you have a companion who is always there, but also encourages you to interact more with others.

When I’m walking alone, usually, strangers won’t come up to me - but with a dog it is an entirely different story. 

Almost in every walk someone will smile at me and my dog, and often people will stop (especially if they also have a dog) and talk to me (and him).


No wonder dogs are now being trained to be emotional support animals!

But even without training, these beings are so filled with love their mere presence improves our lives in so many ways. 

So don’t wait or think to much - get yourself a furry buddy and see how your life improves 🙂

That’s it for today,

Fukiyu (another great dog (+cat+dragon))


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